Java Full Stack Developer

  • Back End: Java EE/Jakarta EE, PL/SQL, Payara. Optional Quarkus, Microprofile
  • Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax. Angular Optional JSF/JSP, Struts
  • CI/CD: Version Control, Build and Deployment Pipelines (Maven, GIT, Jenkins, Sonar, Jira, Fortify, GitHub, GitHub Actions)
  • Testing: Unit Test Framework Junit, optional, integration testing, selenium
  • Infrastructure: AZURE or other cloud infrastructure
  • Databases: Oracle, Postgres (JDBC, ORM frameworks)
  • Security: Certification/Skills, AST (Static, interactive, and dynamic), authentication and authorisation standards and frameworks
  • SDLC Methodology: Agile, Scrum, Kanban or XP


  • Languages: Python, PySpark
  • Interface Technologies: MQ, REST, SOAP
  • Containers: Docker, Kubernetes, Container registries
  • Infrastructure as Code: Terraform or Ansible or Cloud formation.
  • Automated testing e.g.: Selenium, Rest Assured
  • Performance analysis: Java-Multithreading, session management/pooling, transaction management
  • Monitoring: AppDynamics, Dynatrace, Grafana
  • Log Management Alerting: ELK Stack or Splunk, Nagios, Kabana
  • End user support/ Incident-Problem management: ITSM Suite / BMC Remedy or ServiceNow


  • Relevant IT Degree
  • 3 years plus in a developer/engineer role, more than 5 year plus total experience required.

Desired Skills:

  • Java Full Stack Developer
  • Java EE
  • JavaScript
  • Angular
  • Azure

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