Mozilla and USAID have announced that the Responsible Computing Challenge (RCC) has officially opened applications in South Africa.

Faculty at accredited institutions of higher education who aim to embed ethics and social impact into their computing curricula can now apply — and help shape the next generation of technologists in the country. At least six grants, amounting to $32 000 (about R600 000) each, will be awarded.

Apply here, and submit a Letter of Intent by 28 June 2024

RCC has awarded over $6-million to universities across Kenya, India, and the US over the last six years.

RCC’s work recognizes that society must actively address inequity in tech by training the next generation of technologists to build a more just, healthier tech ecosystem. It shifts how computing and related fields are taught at the undergraduate (including Honours) level, offering a new way of thinking and changing the tech talent pipeline.

RCC applicants must be based in South Africa; focused on undergraduate computing-related education; and demonstrate how ethics will be integrated into computing-related curricula or pedagogy.

Dr Ziyaad Bhorat, RCC country lead (US and South Africa) at Mozilla, says: “South Africa celebrates 30 years of democracy this year, with a much longer history of struggling against inequality and inequity. Our voice deserves to thunder across the world of tech and be fully realized in the way we train our computing graduates. We are excited to do this work with our partners and community, helping to grow a movement for a healthier tech ecosystem and trustworthy AI.”