Kathy Gibson reports from Gitex Africa 2024 – A massive 74% of African organisations have experienced attacks in 2023 – 18% more than in 2022.

Phishing is the main attack vector, at 75% of attacks.

Significantly, 57% of African organisations were not prepared with a programme of cyber resilience or cybersecurity.

These are among the findings from the Cybersecurity Barometer in Africa 2024.

A cyberattack is any event that has a direct impact on the IT, but also on other company issues like finance, operations and more, says Didier Simba, founder and president of CESIA France.

Just 19 of the 54 African countries have set up cybersecurity policies and strategies, he adds. And few African states have signed the African Union’s Malabo Convention, which aims to create a harmonised legal framework on data protection and cybersecurity in Africa. It does this by mandating that every member state should establish domestic laws on the relevant policy areas that meet various criteria detailed in the convention.