The Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa (EAPASA) welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa’s signing of the Climate Change Bill into law this week.

“The signing of the bill is a step in the right direction, as South Africa has established legislation aimed specifically at building an effective response to climate change,” the organisation says in a statement.

“The Act establishes a national climate change response, including mitigation and adaptation initiatives, which also comprises South Africa’s fair contribution to the global climate change response under the Paris Agreement to meet the obligations in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) which various countries committed to reducing emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

“The Climate Change Act (Act 24 of 2024) highlights the application of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, Act 107 of 1998 as amended), where a Provincial Climate Change Response Plan must be included in the province’s environmental implementation plan as required by section 11(1) of the NEMA.

“EAPASA plays an important role in ensuring the improvement of the quality of environmental assessment practice in South Africa by registering Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs) who uphold a defined Code of Ethical Conduct and Practice and act in the best interest of the environment, sustainable development and the public good.

“As the sole Registration Authority mandated by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) to register Environmental Assessment Practitioners, EAPASA will ensure Registered EAPs holding primary responsibility for the planning, management, coordination or review of environmental impact assessments and associated EMPrs are held accountable at all times.”