Mainframe computers are already playing a pivotal role in supporting AI innovation, hybrid cloud strategies, and the acceleration of digital transformation, according to a new survey from the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV), which adds that, with unmatched security and processing capabilities, the mainframe powers 70% of global transactions on a value basis.

The survey, in collaboration with Oxford Economics, polled 2 551 global IT executives and says that mainframes have proven their vitality through their ability to process vast amounts of data quickly, reliably and securely – and that they will be key to unlocking the full potential of data-driven innovation.


How AI impacts mainframes

The study shows that 78% of IT executives surveyed said their organisations are either piloting projects or operationalising initiatives that incorporate AI capabilities into mainframe applications and transactions.

The study found that organisations view the mainframe as an invaluable platform for deploying enterprise AI for a wide array of functions including driving innovation, bolstering cybersecurity, streamlining operations, and modernising applications.

For example:

  • Propelling innovation  – 79% of respondents agree that the mainframe is essential for enabling AI-driven innovation and value creation. By applying AI directly to transactional workloads on the mainframe, businesses can extract new insights and enhance workforce productivity. This maximises the value of their core systems and drives meaningful business outcomes.
  • Boosting security – In terms of security, 90% of surveyed executives indicated their organisations are piloting or implementing AI-powered cybersecurity projects; with 82% of those surveyed citing the importance of the mainframe for monitoring, analysing, and responding to cyberthreats – a system already known for its security prowess.
  • Modernising system management – 74% of respondents said that they are integrating AI into mainframe operations to enhance system management and maintenance. Meanwhile, 61% of executives said using generative AI (genAI) for application modernisation efforts on mainframes is important to their organisation. GenAI-driven application modernisation tools are revolutionising mainframe modernisation strategies, accelerating time to value and closing mainframe skills gaps by enabling developers to modernise or build applications faster and more efficiently.


Mainframes as part of the hybrid cloud

Mainframes also play a vital role in successful hybrid cloud strategies enabling organisations to deploy application workloads in the most suitable computing environments.

Critical workloads such as financial transactions, healthcare records, and government services demand advanced security, reliability, and scalability. By using the mainframe for these workloads, organisations can tap into its optimised architecture for unparalleled performance and efficiency – minimising costs and risks across their IT ecosystem.

This approach has been proven to deliver significant returns on investment, with hybrid-by-design companies achieving more that 3x higher returns from their digital transformation efforts. However, to fully realise these benefits, organisations must maintain mainframe systems to ensure currency, modernise mainframe applications, and integrate them with distributed data, applications, clouds, and modern development practices.


Unlock the full potential of hybrid cloud and AI

As organisations advance in their digital transformation journeys, they must leverage their existing investments in mainframes to unlock the full potential of their data with hybrid cloud and AI technologies.

IT leaders looking to revitalise their mainframe strategies should consider a few critical actions now:

  • Be intentional about your IT foundation – To establish a solid IT foundation, organisations should commit to a hybrid-by-design strategy, modernise mainframe applications, and develop a clear integration and data-sharing strategy. This involves optimising business value across the technology estate – creating an application modernisation strategy aligned to business objectives and prioritising integration between mainframe and other technologies for seamless data exchange and API connectivity. By doing so, organisations can improve overall competitiveness, reduce costs, and enhance their ability to respond to changing business requirements.
  • Lean into AI innovation – Organisations should leverage AI to empower DevOps teams, enhance mainframe operations, and infuse AI into business transactions. This can be achieved by equipping developers with genAI-assisted tools that accelerate application discovery, analysis, and modernisation; improving operational functions with smart aids and next-generation chatbot assistants; and leveraging AI for in-transaction insights to enhance business use cases. By embracing AI innovation, organisations can streamline modernisation, improve operational efficiency, and drive business success in a hybrid cloud and AI-driven world.
  • Invest in advanced mainframe capabilities and skill sets – Organisations should leverage today’s mainframe capabilities, cultivate a diverse and skilled mainframe workforce, and upskill mainframe professionals with AI-tooling and collaborative initiatives. This involves leveraging new mainframe capabilities such as advanced encryption and authentication, and advanced processor chips and specialized AI accelerators; addressing skills gaps through targeted skilling initiatives and mentorship programmes; and empowering mainframe professionals with AI-tooling, assistants and collaborative initiatives like the Mainframe Skills Council.


Accelerate your digital transformation

As the era of hybrid cloud and AI unfolds, the mainframe’s staying power is more evident than ever. Its role as a strategic asset in helping ensure security, data privacy, and operational efficiency makes it indispensable for organisations striving to remain competitive.

By embracing modernisation strategies that leverage the mainframe’s strengths, organisations can accelerate their digital transformation journeys and unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation.