Jul 1, 2020
As South Africa emerges from its extended national lockdown in a phased approach, educational institutions across the country are faced with a difficult and complex task. By Jacques du Toit, CEO of Vox There is clearly an urgent need to re-institute onsite teaching...
Jun 23, 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly thrust us into the future, writes Ghassan Azzi, Africa sales director at Western Digital. Digital technologies have become more entrenched in our daily lives in the past two months than they have over the past two years. If we...
Jun 19, 2020
There is an increasing trend towards leveraging data-driven insights into student behaviour to enhance attainment, retention and student well-being, as higher education institutions begin to recognise the key role that learning analytics can play in maximising student...
Jun 19, 2020
The impact of Covid-19 has affected 1 116 017 South African learners in higher education alone, writes Craig Bramley, lead education technologist at Citrix. One thing is for certain: the fallout from this pandemic will have a lasting impact on the way teaching is...
Jun 9, 2020
Ensuring the safety and well-being of its learners, staff and visitors is one of the most important elements of any school’s risk management strategy – and now schools also need to consider the health and well-being of these communities post Covid-19....
Jun 4, 2020
With a global health crisis going on, it is only natural to be focused on the present, but as the world begins to feel the beneficial results of the emergency measures against COVID-19, it is time to look to the future. By Susanna Ackermann, head of education at Acer...