Microsoft empowers educators to transform learning in SA

Microsoft South Africa is hosting the Africa Educator Exchange Forum on 29 May and 30 May at its headquarters in Bryanston. Over the course of the two-day forum, 52 Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts (MIEEs) will participate in problem-based learning activities,...

Driving locally relevant and digital education in SA

While South Africa has made strides in providing access to education, Pearson’s global CEO John Fallon says there is more to be done. Fallon was recently in South Africa for Pearson’s graduate ceremonies. Harnessing the emerging talent that the South African youth...

New technology finds its way to the classroom

Learning through virtual and augmented reality is the wave of the future, says Nirvani Dhevcharran, technology executive director of Pearson South Africa. Imagine you are a high school learner struggling with the textbook in front of you. You point your smartphone and...

Digital civility starts at grassroots

Like the humble spreadsheet before it, the Internet is one of the most transformative technologies in history, writes Angela Schaerer, teacher engagement lead for Microsoft South Africa. It functions as the platform through which any sized businesses can market and...

Tertiary institutions mustn’t forget about availability

As tertiary institutions prepare for the commencement of the new academic year, attention shifts to an increasingly digital-savvy student base with changing expectations of how technology is used for learning. This is resulting in the data availability and recovery...

Empower students to excel in the gig economy

Factors like increased levels of globalisation have combined with rapid technological development and industry disruption to create an environment whereby individuals with highly sought after skills such as app developers, are able to create their own businesses or...