Women and fintech: the missed opportunity

This International Women’s Month is an opportunity for employers to reflect on their ESG strategies and envision truly sustainable Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) agendas. A bolder vision for DEI should be to generate lasting wealth for previously...

Transforming customer experience in the financial services sector

In an increasingly online and connected world, financial service clients have been quick to accept apps as a remote banking option. By James Bayhack, sub-Saharan Africa director at CM.com However, as the sector is reimagined with digital communications, mobile...

Remote working requires greater workforce support

Remote working has become part of the standard operating procedure of many companies across industry sectors. By Annalie Terblanche at SilverBridge Holdings At the very least, business leaders have embraced a hybrid environment where employees split their time between...

QR payments take off with businesses, consumers

Although already on a steep adoption curve, Covid has fast tracked many organisations’ digital payments strategies. QR codes in particular are finding favour amongst major South African banks. Capitec’s most recent peer2peer (P2P) account-based payment...

Banking as a Service helps traditional banks stay relevant

Years, and sometimes decades, of patchwork additions as new products and services were added have left many banks with a real tech headache. Now, as they struggle with the challenges of open banking and more recently the rise of embedded banking, traditional banks are...