Technology socialises financial services

The financial services industry has long been seen as extremely traditional in its technology use, but that is not the case, says Richard Firth, CEO of MIP Holdings, who points out the many innovations the sector has brought about over the past decade. “From...

Alternative payment solutions key for economic inclusion

Despite there being more than 19 million online shoppers in South Africa, the recent Black Friday and Cyber Monday stampedes at retail outlets have once again shown the importance of providing people with alternative digital payment options. By Thomas Pays, CEO of...

Microsoft data centres to impact local insurance market

In May last year, Microsoft announced plans to launch two data centres in South Africa. Located in Johannesburg and Cape Town, these see the company targeting cloud services growth on the continent. These data centres will deliver the Microsoft Cloud, including...

Fintech partnerships will help big banks disrupt

Partnerships between established big banks and fintech innovators will help the established financial sector achieve digital transformation faster, stakeholders heard at a Fintech Thought Leadership forum hosted by Absa, Enterprise Ireland and Business Ireland in...

Will privately-owned cars go the way of DVDs and CDs?

Over the past decade or so, the technology industry has transformed many things we used to buy as physical products into digital services we subscribe to or access on a pay-per-use basis. Think about how we have moved from buying CDs towards paying a monthly...

It’s time to boost productivity

Discipline is fundamental to success and the collective discipline of employees towards a common cause is what makes a successful company. Are you aware of the effects that a lack of discipline can have on productivity in your business? Kevin Howell, founder of Ouch!,...