Financial services the least trusted sector globally

The financial services industry was once again the least trusted sector in the annual Edelman Trust Barometer, which has been measuring trust in business, NGOs, government and the media for the last 18 years. According to the 2018 report, which has a special section...

Customers to benefit from disruption in retail banking

Customers will be the main beneficiaries of disruption and increased competition in Retail banking due to a potential improvement in value and customer service. This is according to Raj Makanjee, CEO of FNB Retail, who is reflecting on the increasingly competitive...

Constantia Life and Health chooses SilverBridge

Constantia Life and Health (CLAH) has contracted SilverBridge Holdings to provide them with a solution to assist with the distribution and administration of its new group life product. The Web-based solution accommodates a variety of channels from Online to Broker...

AI is reinventing insurance

The growing maturity of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is changing the consumer’s experience of car insurance for the better by enabling agile new players to come to market with simpler, faster, more transparent and more affordable...

Financial services: keeping up with tech

There was a time when a “Kodak moment” was synonymous with capturing a moment in time for an eternity. Today, however, the once-great brand “Kodak” is more notoriously known for its failure to accept and embrace the digital revolution. Jean...

Security key to Africa’s mobile fintech revolution

Africa has led the way in developing mobile fintech solutions for its largely unbanked populations – but the key to further progress in driving financial inclusivity is security. By David Noel-Lardin, vice-president: digital payment at Gemalto CISMEA Fifteen...