Jan 20, 2017
Dr Wolfgang Mertz, chief technology officer: EMEA for healthcare, life sciences and HPC at Dell EMC Isilon, tells us that thealth sector is on the cusp of a step change that will see patients benefit from treatment that is more focused on the individual than ever...
Dec 14, 2016
We so often hear stories of the hardships associated with accessibility to high quality healthcare, but for many the nearest doctor, let alone specialist, can be many hours away, writes Cathy Smith, MD of Cisco. South Africa’s Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi...
Sep 26, 2016
The healthcare industry, arguably one of the most technologically advanced considering the gadgets and devices now used to monitor health statistics and perform medical procedures, is ironically among the most ‘unhealthy’ when it comes to network security. Delegates...
Sep 13, 2016
Ten billion people – the global population projected by 2050… With many people enjoying longer lives, the services required by healthcare organisations and governments are having to radically adapt. Today’s patients are well informed, proactive and...
Sep 1, 2016
A hospital or clinic is as much a business environment as any other type of company, with a team of administrators providing invaluable support to the professionals at the coalface of delivering the best possible healthcare. There are numerous print, projection,...
Sep 1, 2016
A flourishing healthcare sector that embraces all citizens is an essential foundation for South Africa to achieve sustainable prosperity and growth, writes Peter Mills, head of systems integration sales at T-Systems South Africa. In reality: there are many challenges...