Ultra HD 4K – a medical use case

The brilliance and sheer detail that come with Ultra HD 4K go beyond perceived traditional usage and today benefit users such as surgical practices and radiologists. In South Africa, a radiology practice based in the North West Province recently started using a...

App takes the pain out of medical forms

Local surgeon Dr Neal Goldstein, in collaboration with EPI-USE, a global software company, has developed and launched LogBox, which allows patients to safely capture and share their personal information electronically with medical practitioners and any other...

Technology enhances healthcare, one step at a time

A multitude of new technologies have arrived on the scene in the past few years – offering the promise of revolutionising the healthcare industry and enhancing patient care in many of different ways, writes T-Systems SA’s Johann Joubert. Many healthcare...

Lessons learnt from a telehealth deployment

A new IDC Health Insights study, “Empowering Patients and Improving Quality of Care: Telehealth and Telecare in Cornwall”, looks at how the Cornwall local council and National Health Services (NHS), together with their partner BT, sought to address the...

IT transforms service delivery for the healthcare sector

Access to quality healthcare is considered a basic human right, however, the South African healthcare sector is faced with numerous challenges that impede this essential service delivery. By Johann Joubert, sales manager: Africa at T-Systems South Africa. A shortage...

M-health enables efficient healthcare

The biggest tech trend in Africa, and the one that is making the biggest impact on the everyday lives of people, is the rise of smartphones and feature phones. Africa has seen the fastest uptake of mobiles in the world and mobile subscribers are set to hit half a...