Oct 9, 2014
For a generation or more, IT has thought about end-user computing in terms of a Microsoft Windows desktop, says Arthur Dell, director technology and service, Citrix. Ask people what really matters to them now, and you’ll hear them talk about the applications they rely...
Oct 7, 2014
Mobility and always-on connectivity are increasingly taken for granted, and sales of tablet PCs reflect this growing trend, says George Lodewick, Dell Commercial product specialist at Drive Control Corporation. In fact, according to recent statistics released by Dell,...
Oct 5, 2014
With the proliferation of BBM and WhatsApp, It’s easy to imagine that instant messaging is overtaking SMS. But this perception can be halted due to one simple statistic. The average open rate for SMS message is a massive 98% In a world where social and digital media...
Oct 3, 2014
Not too long ago, many organisations were dismissing the bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon as being of no consequence. However, nowadays they realise that BYOD can have serious implications for the business, and are putting policies in place and implementing...
Sep 18, 2014
Mobility is fuelling the uptake of tablets in the consumer market, allowing users to work and play on the move. Accessing the Internet, downloading applications, monitoring social media platforms and more is easily done on these devices at any time. Distributor Drive...
Sep 17, 2014
Technology is the single most important external factor influencing organisations today, and it is fundamentally changing the business environment. No longer is IT limited to an administrative back office tool – today, technology is everywhere, from the back end right...