Surviving a ransom situation

The Trend Micro Q1 Security Roundup, Bad Ads and Zero Days: Reemerging Threats Challenge Trust in Supply Chains and Best Practices, revealed that cryptoransomware set their sights on enterprises. Ihab Moawad, vice-president MMEA and CIS at Trend Micro explores what...

Understanding a cyber-attack

Cyber-attacks today are highly advanced, and the developers and perpetrators are constantly evolving their tactics in order to breach an organisation’s perimeter defences. In addition, cyber criminals and their attacks are highly persistent, constantly adapting,...

Data’s journey across the network

While it’s convenient to link various personal online accounts and identities, users must beware of the security risks, says Martin Walshaw, senior engineer at F5 Networks. It’s nice when everyone gets along, isn’t it? When Web sites play fair with each other and...

TransUnion updates 1Check app

TransUnion Auto, the automotive solutions division of TransUnion, has announced the addition of a new Stockloader feature to its innovative 1Check application (app) for auto dealers. The app, which assists dealers with reducing their risk of test drive fraud and...

Solutions must advance as fraud escalates

Fraud is a significant problem for local and international organisations and is growing exponentially. In the digital world, faceless contact self-service centres and virtual platforms represent a ripe feeding ground for identity thieves. To address this issue,...

SMEs are at debit order risk

Small and medium sized businesses need to ensure that they comply with all Payment Association of South Africa (PASA) rules for transaction processing, especially if they are to mitigate the risks associated with debit order fraud, together with related disputes,...