May 30, 2014
There is no such thing as 100% security. Any company who believes that throwing fortunes at technologies that try to get rid of all threats, is setting itself up for failure. “Rather than trying to prevent breaches only, companies should also focus on the ability to...
May 27, 2014
Uniross, the manufacturer of rechargeable batteries, says that when purchasing a battery it is important to understand the risks of using inferior lithium batteries. “Lithium batteries, used in most of today’s smart phones, are dangerous and can be highly flammable....
May 22, 2014
Kaspersky Lab presents FriendOrFoe – a free app for Facebook that allows users to assess just how “valuable” their friends are, and even shows what others think of them. The app will reveal which of those hundreds of followers are genuine fans, who reposts and...
May 16, 2014
Although businesses are reliant on governance, risk and compliance platforms, most enterprises view the traditional mix of GRC systems as inflexible, slow, and incapable of delivering on the promise of automating governance and security risk management processes. A...
May 12, 2014
These days, most people have several online accounts. Anyone with a smartphone or who uses a PC regularly probably has multiple accounts – from social media, blogs, Web sites or special offer sites. Unfortunately, this means that our most personal information is...
May 6, 2014
Last week, the Reserve Bank slapped South Africa’s big four banks with heavy penalties for not implementing regulations to control money laundering and combat the financing of terrorism. To be clear, the banks were not accused of facilitating transactions involving...