How does your board measure cyber resilience?

Organisations are facing an uphill battle. The volume of cyberattacks has risen year-on-year, with a 38% increase in 2022 compared to the previous year. By Deryck Mitchelson, field CISO at Check Point Software In the UK alone, an organisation is being targeted on...

Digital wellbeing of youth in the spotlight

Young South Africans are spending more time online than ever before. While the web offers great opportunities for education, creativity and social interaction, there is also the risk of increased exposure to harmful content, cyberbullying, age-inappropriate...

Make backup and disaster recovery a priority, not an afterthought

Considering the growing threat of ransomware and other malware, organisations’ cybersecurity budgets have increased accordingly. However, despite the importance of data in a digital landscape, backup and disaster recovery are often overlooked, which typically...

How to recover from a cyberattack

In mid-May, the Western Cape Parliament’s technology systems went offline after a cyberattack. While this event was undoubtedly bad for productivity, they could at least recover from the attack thanks to data backups, business continuity, and disaster recovery...

Growing threats highlight importance of cyber insurance

Cyberattacks on South African companies are on the rise. Local insurers and incident response teams reporting the highest level of incidents they have ever seen, , as these attacks become more frequent and sophisticated, the majority of local businesses can expect to...