Awareness training vital for e-mail security

Awareness training should be actively deployed to complement organisations’ efforts to secure their e-mail systems. François van Hirtum, chief technology officer of Obscure Technologies, says this is because hackers are increasingly targeting people as security...

Anomaly detection the first layer in data management and protection

Cybercrime incidents have surged in the last year, as malicious actors take advantage of the current global situation, including the work from home (WFH) trend. By Kate Mollett, regional director at Commvault Africa As IT has evolved, so too has ransomware, and...

An enterprise guide to not being phished

Phishing mitigation is everything. It’s the end point, the touchpoint, the ultimate moment at which you’re training and security strategies have prevented an employee from making that terrible mistake of clicking on that link, of exposing the business to...

How to embrace digital transformation, securely

Most organisations in business today understand the importance of digital transformation. The events of the past year or so in particular have accelerated it as an imperative, as organisations were forced to adapt to new, digital-first ways of doing things. By...

We are still building walls to defend against nuclear attacks

While the growing number of data breaches and cyber attacks on companies shows that organisations are often not adequately equipped to protect themselves against such threats, privacy regulations being rolled out in many countries, such as GDPR in Europe and PoPIA in...

Can you hack-proof the cloud?

For someone not working in cybersecurity, the most high-profile case of cloud hacking is, arguably, “celebgate” – or the 2014 breach of several device-storage accounts that saw hundreds of personal photos of celebrities stolen and published online....