May 10, 2021
It’s been 60 years since passwords were first used at MIT and, if the number of breaches in the news are anything to go by, we are no more adept at managing our passwords than we were in 1961. But, while passwords are being phased out, IT leaders can fortunately...
May 5, 2021
Supplier and enterprise development is a vital issue, ensuring that large enterprises ‘pay it forward’, by helping to grow the skills and abilities of those smaller suppliers in the supply chain that may otherwise never have had such opportunities for...
Apr 20, 2021
With the staggering pace of innovation in enterprise technology, it’s all too easy to overlook the role of employees whose job is to process, interpret and action the data emanating from these systems. Dr Anne Hsu is a behavioural psychologist and computer...
Apr 16, 2021
With an ever-growing number of people working from home, primarily due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, cybersecurity attacks are on the rise, meaning that dealing with security risks is an ongoing journey for enterprises. By Kate Mollett, regional director of...
Apr 9, 2021
Organisations should harden security, educate their workforce and shore up their last line of defence, writes Ian Engelbrecht, Africa lead and systems engineer at Veeam. Cybercrime is on the rise and South African C-suites would do well to ensure that they have...
Apr 9, 2021
As the world struggles through a global pandemic that has, through the manner of its transmission, severely constrained human contact, so new ways have been found to do what we usually do – but without touching strange surfaces any more than we have to. Is it...