Investing in cyber resilience key to success

In today’s always-on, always-connected economy, businesses are under pressure to enhance their cybersecurity strategy and prove to their customers that data protection is critical to their customer engagement strategy. Michel Nader, senior regional director:...

How risk management can disable corruption within organisations

As professionals we should avoid falling prey to corruption, writes Mpho Modisane, IRMSA risk intelligence committee member. Corruption robs both the public and private sector to the extent of eroding our individual professional brand and that of our companies...

Cyber risks in Africa

In Aon South Africa’s latest whitepaper Zamani Ngidi, cyber solutions client manager at Aon South Africa, unpacks the global trends pertaining to data privacy and cyber resilience that impact the African continent. The ‘Cyber Risks in Africa’...

Stay secure from payment scams during the pandemic

If this unprecedented global pandemic has taught us one lesson on personal responsibility, it is that being aware and cautious can save lives, writes Bevan Smith, head of risk at Visa Sub-Saharan Africa. During day-to-day activities, people are taking all preventive...

Navigating risk into a post-Covid new normal

Having rushed to keep the remote lights on in the early stages of lockdown, organisations must now change their focus to mitigating a plethora of risks emerging out of the pandemic chaos, writes Paul Grapendaal, head of managed services at Nclose. With little time to...

FNB uses AI to redefine risk management and ways of working

FNB has been harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to reimagine risk management and forensic due diligence processes. By Dr Mark Nasila, chief analytics officer at FNB Risk The result is the ability to have a more robust forensic due diligence process, review...