Car recall scam: don’t lose your wheels

Your car manufacturer or dealership calls. Says there’s been a safety recall, and they’re sending a flatbed truck to pick up your car. They know your registration number and personal info, and it all seems legit and above board. So, you hand over your keys...

Time to add a cyber incident response plan

This time of the year is a boom time for cybercriminals. Consumers are shopping and transacting more. Shopping websites experience higher traffic volumes and process more payments than usual. Companies’ security teams can often be understaffed or unprepared for...

The day consumers are most cyber-attacked

Black Friday has become a phenomenon across the retail spectrum with many people utilising this particular day to unofficially kickstart their shopping for the festive season. However, Black Friday presents some problems as people are increasingly becoming susceptible...

Stay safe on Black Friday

Whenever people are buying more, it’s an opportunity for criminals to strike, which makes Black Friday a dangerous time. With new scams on the increase, Fico’s fraud experts have added new tips for staying safe. Take care at ATMs * If an ATM looks odd, or...

Black Friday could cost careless shoppers dearly

This Friday (29 November) is Black Friday, a discount shopping event South Africans have happily embraced. Last year, BankServAfrica reported that local shoppers spent nearly R3-billion in 4,8-million Back Friday sale transactions, and this year’s sale is...

Protect yourself against online fraud

This week is International Fraud Awareness Week. With the global spotlight on fraud from 17 to 23 November, statistics show that South Africa has not been immune. The South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC) reported a spike in fraud incidents in 2018,...