Mar 7, 2019
“On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” If you’ve been around long enough, you’ve probably run into this famous comic on the net, which sums up the question of digital identity perfectly, writes Lee Naik a tech expert and CEO of...
Mar 6, 2019
Vetting in the supply chain function enables business to review their suppliers and vendors with the intention of mitigating risk before entering into business relationships. It is an important step in the supply chain, as businesses are vulnerable to a host of...
Mar 1, 2019
In our internet-connected society, cybercrime is a very real threat to any business or institution, regardless of size or nature of business that has a network, an internet connection and holds sensitive or personally identifiable data. This is according to Kerry...
Feb 20, 2019
Risk experts hold no doubts: the changes technology is bringing to businesses has far-reaching consequences. But the conversation is still split between two poles, those of business and technology. It’s more convenient and seems to simplify the issue. But that...
Feb 20, 2019
With the number of available threat intelligence sources continuing to grow, a third of CISOs feel under pressure as they cannot consume cybercrime intelligence easily or effectively. To help large companies overcome this challenge, Kaspersky Lab has launched...
Feb 15, 2019
Thirty years ago, South Africa’s professional landscape looked completely different to what it is today. The investigations industry has been revolutionised by the advent of auditing firms which conduct internal investigations, and innovative technology that...