Are you getting maximum value from your software?

Many organisations spend significant amounts on software that is designed to boost productivity and help employees to be more efficient in their day-to-day jobs. However, without appropriate training on the software, these benefits can often be eroded. By Raeford...

Why switch from spreadsheets to ERP?

In an increasingly digital world, it may come as a shock to some that spreadsheets and accounting software are still popular tools for businesses looking to document their financial data. “The reality is that SMME’s continue to underestimate their need for...

The continuing demand for Java developers

In the rapidly evolving world of software development, Java has consistently proven its resilience and adaptability. Its well-known ‘write once, run anywhere’ approach has seen it dominate the programming language landscape for more than two decades. Even...

Automation is the new savings discipline

If you feel like you’ve never been under more pressure as a consumer, then you’re not alone. By Ricki Allardice, head of product at upnup Over the past year or so, consumers around the globe have faced rates of inflation not seen in decades. Africa...

Are software licenses a cost centre or cost benefit?

Managing costs and tightly controlling expenditures have become critical concerns for companies but they shouldn’t compromise on software licenses in the process, writes Jacob Modisha, senior specialist: licensing advisory at Altron Karabina Accessibility,...

ERP and technology trends that will shape 2023

Following year of supply chain disruptions, a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and record-breaking inflation, 2023 does not look to be very different for manufactures and distributors as they are hampered down by various stages of load shedding. By Mark Wilson, CEO of...