Defining ‘process’ in BPM

Part two of a four part series by SoftExpert, Roger Tregear, a manager at Leonardo International and Ian Huntly, CEO of Rifle-Shot Performance Holdings, representatives in Sub-Saharan Africa of SoftExpert, a market leader in software and services for enterprise-wide...

Introducing process management

Whether working at the individual process level or across an enterprise, too many business process management (BMP) initiatives do not deliver on promises made or even if the promises are delivered, there is often no solid evidence and, in a sceptical, busy world, the...

Choosing the right ERP system

Choosing an ERP system is one of the most strategic decisions for mid-market companies and their CEOs face a significant dilemma. Should they choose a system for today, or for how the company may look in five to 10 years? Should users go for a full system or start...

SharePoint an industry game-changer

The newly released version of the Microsoft Web-based platform, SharePoint, shows the extent to which the solution has evolved and why it truly matters to business decision makers. Established South African ICT solutions and support provider, Ukuvuma Solutions,...

CA Technologies’ predictions for 2013

CA Southern Africa has released CA Technologies’ top five IT predictions for 2013: Big data grows up There will be an emergence of big data administrators, who will play a critical role in using new technologies and processing power to take a cold, hard (and useful)...

Users get what they pay for with ERP

The mere thought of installing a business application, such as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, is enough to set any financial or IT manager’s heart racing. The prospect of the time and money spent planning, installing and taking a new system live is a...