Automation, data strategy key to future-proof cloud adoption

Cloud computing is one of the key catalysts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). It has single-handedly accelerated business efficiency through its ability to drive contingency, scalability, almost real-time data availability, and a reduction in on-site skills...

People power: invest in talent for hybrid cloud success

Successfully implementing a hybrid cloud environment is challenging. Therefore, employing the right talent to manage it is crucial, writes Shunsuke Takagi, head of global hybrid IT offerings at Fujitsu. In an era when public cloud computing is so well established,...

PaaS versus SaaS in the IoT world

Why should companies consider investing in platform as a service (PaaS) or software as a service (SaaS) when it comes to launching an IoT application? By Anna Branquinho, product marketing associate at Trinity IoT PaaS – the customer buys everything PaaS...

Reducing risk in a hybrid cloud model is the key to fueling growth

Cyber security is the number one concern for organizations when managing their hybrid cloud environments. This is hardly surprising when you consider that nine out of 10 companies have suffered data breaches in the last 12 months. Damages due to digital crime...

The future potential of the cloud

Despite an increased awareness by decision-makers of cloud computing, many organisations around the world are yet to fully adopt it. By Frik van der Westhuizen, CEO of EQPlus Research shows that 41% of companies in the EU used cloud computing last year, and then it...