Unify your edge with a Continuum Control Plane

The cloud is complex. It is no longer just a single, static destination but rather an operating model for innovation across the Cloud Continuum. To keep up with the innovation opportunities, distributed infrastructure environments, and applications and data that live...

AWS helps Blue Pearl to reinvent skills matching

A couple of years ago, developing a whole new IT contracting business model, and getting it up and running in a few short months, would have been impossible. Not to the mention the labour and investment that would have been involved in constantly updating, expanding...

The big trends in cloud-enabled network evolution

As a new army of remote workers who need flexible “anywhere, everywhere” access grows, an entire continuum of cloud solutions is taking over. Countless laptops and mobile devices continuously connect to services like Microsoft’s Office 365 and...
Transform your future with the Dell Enterprise Product Offering

Transform your future with the Dell Enterprise Product Offering

For employees to perform at their best, organisations need to provide them with powerful IT infrastructure and workforce technology. As a digitally advanced organisation in the 21st Century, Dell Technologies aims to assist companies to bridge the gap between current...

Can cloud software help derisk power failures?

We’ve come a long way since Thomas Edison and General Electric created the first substantial power grids in the 1880s. But one thing hasn’t changed much: work stops when the power goes out. South Africans have endured front-row seats to this reality as...

The hidden costs of owned infrastructure versus cloud

If your business, like many others, is faced with the decision of running your own infrastructure or migrating to the cloud, you’ve likely already done your homework. You know that although the benefits cloud offers are numerous, such as increased agility and...