Ignore the Consumer Protection Act at your peril

The Consumer Protection Act (68 of 2008) was launched in 2008 and provides South Africans with key protections against the ambiguous wording and vague language traditionally associated with some contracts and professional literature. With many of these documents...

The domino effect of FSI digital ecosystems

As financial services institutions (FSIs) increase their acceptance and integration of digital technology, they can face increased risk of a domino effect taking place if digital services providers and vendors should fail. This is according to experts at Fortinet, who...

Governance trends for 2023: is your board ready?

The Institute of Directors in South Africa (IoDSA) lays out five key trends for boards and directors to focus on in 2023. Parmi Natesan, CEO of the IoDSA argues that boards need to begin planning their agendas for 2023 to ensure they are on top of these trends –...

Secure and access data in an anywhere operations world

Organisations across industry sectors face the continuing scourge of being victims of cyberattacks. For any organisation, cyberattacks are not a matter of ‘if,’ but ‘when’: A cyberattack is unavoidable. Following the changes the pandemic has...

What your business needs to know about copyright law

In this digital era, businesses are at more risk of copyright infringement than ever before thanks to the ease with which one can source and distribute information. It is therefore pivotal that every business understands copyright law, especially entrepreneurs and...

Smart software transforms business savings and compliance

When it comes to finance, reporting, governance and compliance, organisations have several very large balls in the air. In a complex juggling act that demands perfection and attention to detail, companies need to prioritise financial operations and governance, risk...