Sep 1, 2016
The rapid growth of data speeds and connectivity options in South Africa have enabled local businesses to take advantage of cloud solutions, and many companies are doing just that, writes Sadiq Munshi, product development manager at Jasco Enterprise. Contact centres,...
Aug 17, 2016
One of the keys to great customer satisfaction is a company’s ability to react to their customers’ needs quickly and effectively, writes Andre Deetlefs, executive manager for lines of business at Jasco. Fast access to everything means that customers demand...
Aug 16, 2016
Consider the last time you took out vehicle insurance or a medical aid policy. Chances are, you did so over the phone or online, rather than sitting down with a broker over tea as, perhaps, your grandparents did. We live in an age where more and more business is...
Aug 11, 2016
Non-voice technologies can help contact centres increase efficiencies and reduce costs, writes Andre le Roux, Interactive Intelligence MD: Africa Region. Non-voice channels within the contact centre are rapidly edging into the territory once dominated by voice...
Jul 28, 2016
A massive 91% of South African organisations view Customer Experience (CX) or the contact centre as a competitive differentiator (2016 Dimension Data Global Contact Centre Benchmarking Report) so it comes as no surprise that organisations, across different industries,...
Jul 13, 2016
With any IT infrastructure within a contact centre comes risk. And while this risk should not paralyse operations, it should be investigated carefully and practically to find the safest and most appropriate solution. According to Jed Hewson, co-founder of cloud-based...