Apr 25, 2016
Fear mongering is everywhere, in every industry. And most recently, the contact centre has experienced its own dose of this with the announcement that Facebook will be making use of chatbots via Messenger to deal with customer queries. The concern, of course, is that...
Apr 21, 2016
Brand crises are a harsh reality for all organisations. Dealing with them is not becoming any easier. Instead they have become complex tasks that require constant supervision. We live in a digital world and social media is often the catalyst that fuels brand crises,...
Apr 7, 2016
“A happy employee equals a happy customer”, is a phrase commonly uttered in business. But is it always adhered to? The work environment certainly matters in the satisfaction of employees (just ask them), which is why it is peculiar when organisations place...
Mar 24, 2016
With more customers owning smart mobile devices, companies are facing an ever increasing need to communicate and respond to customers using channels, other than a simple voice call. While voice is still the preferred channel, most call centers are also expected to...
Feb 12, 2016
From banks to insurance underwriters, telesales stands out as one of the most successful sales channels in the insurance industry. The 2014 Reinsurance Group of America (RGA) SA Bancassurance survey shows that call centres are one of the key channels for...
Feb 9, 2016
Although an increasing number of southern African contact centres are moving into the cloud, many more are still grappling with the decision “to cloud or not to cloud?”. Ebrahim Dinat, chief operating officer at South African contact centre solutions...