Apr 11, 2013
The management and security of contact centre recordings tends to be sorely neglected, says Karl Reed, chief marketing and solutions officer at Elingo. Most contact centres record voice calls and interactions, but few manage and utilise the resulting data...
Mar 28, 2013
Since their introduction in the 1990s, call optimisation techniques (previously referred to as “best time to call”) have evolved into integrated solutions that analyse a wide spectrum of input factors, then build and execute automated, repeatable strategies based on...
Mar 27, 2013
Recently the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) granted power utility Eskom an 8% average increase per annum over the next five years. Lex van Wyk, chief executive officer of Teraco Data Environments says that with five years of power increases above...
Mar 25, 2013
It couldn’t have escaped anyone’s notice that the tablet computer (and mobile devices on the whole) have cemented themselves firmly in the lifestyle artillery of the modern consumer, says Henry McCracken, regional sales director, Africa at Aspect Software....
Mar 14, 2013
It couldn’t have escaped anyone’s notice that the tablet computer (and mobile devices on the whole) have cemented themselves firmly in the lifestyle artillery of the modern consumer, says Henry McCracken, regional sales director, Africa at Aspect Software. According...
Feb 1, 2013
Many businesses and call centres have come to wrap their heads around the concept of hosted technology, where a provider offers the customer affordable, pay-per-use access to technology, along with ongoing support and service, says Jed Hewson, director of 1stream. ...