Apr 28, 2020
Self-service business solutions allow for organisations to engage and support customers as they face increasingly rigid quarantine restrictions, writes Wynand Smit, CEO of Inovo. There is plenty of research that points to how customers prefer finding alternative...
Mar 23, 2020
The results of the PwC 2019 Global Consumer Insights Survey were hardly surprising: customers in South Africa used social media to hear about current events (33%) and used social media to determine where they would shop and what they would buy (46,5%). South African...
Mar 20, 2020
Even though user experience (UX) is hardly a new concept, attention has recently shifted to delivering solutions more closely aligned to customer expectations than ever. This has resulted in an environment where UX becomes fundamental to successful application...
Mar 4, 2020
The South African mobile user is riding a new wave of customer orientation that’s pervading the industry. And it’s about time, says Devon Meerholz, chief creative and operations officer of IMImobile SA, a communications and software specialist focused on...
Feb 24, 2020
The prospect of another year of lacklustre growth presents forward-thinking business leaders with the perfect reason to tap into the “experience economy”. Nathalie Schooling of customer experience specialists nlighten says the country’s lackadaisical...
Feb 14, 2020
Elingo research shows while the type of industry will greatly influence CX, ultimately it is a matter of choice and first contact resolution. The importance of customer experience (CX) and the value a business places on the experience clearly depends on the industry...