How document management can improve your bottom line

Some people jump out of airplanes or ski black diamond slopes to get their thrills. Short of landing a huge new account, there aren’t many greater thrills for a business owner than finding new ways to cut their business expenses. By Allison Zimmer, channel and...

Are you concerned about document security?

Everyone is concerned about data, whether it’s your company’s intellectual property, a customer’s address, employee social security numbers, bank account numbers, a medical ID or license number. By Carro Ford, content marketing strategist at Xerox...

Benefits of document management

Rieva Lesonsky examines what document management is, and how it can help businesses. “Document management” sounds like something only a company the size of, say, McDonald’s or Amazon has to worry about, doesn’t it? In reality, every business...

Security management must include MFPs

One challenge of comprehensive, unified security is the complexity of it, Carro Ford writes on the Xerox blog. Herding cats comes to mind. There are all those endpoints — multifunction printers (MFPs), mobile and networked devices, documents, and the users...

Ensure that cloud delivers on its promises

The move to cloud offers many benefits to organisations; predominantly the assurance of increased agility compared to traditional environments and the guarantee of lower costs than building one’s own infrastructure. However, it is not as simple as it seems,...

Paperless gains momentum

The shift toward cloud and paperless is fast gaining momentum as the new global cohort of millennial customers demand digital and mobile business options. According to Craig Leppan, business development manager at Assimilated Information Systems (AIS), an e4 company,...