Temporary employment services support the growth of e-commerce

E-commerce has seen tremendous growth in South Africa in recent years, spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic that forced traditional retailers to develop an online presence. There is also a proliferation of small businesses offering goods and services online, allowing them...

How to manage a successful WFH/hybrid career

Next year will be the true test of companies’ work-from-home and hybrid workforce strategies, as the novelty of having some staff in-office, some out of office, and some dipping in and out wears off and new routines become entrenched. But work-from-home and...

Win-win learnerships are the future

For many companies, learnerships remain a grudge purchase and a tick-box exercise for B-BBEE compliance. But what if companies could make their learnerships self-funding? If, during the 12 months of the programme, their learners were to actually contribute to...

The culture opportunity your business can’t afford to ignore

The ways in which a business creates and maintains its culture are changing. Previously, a business’s culture may have centred around its office, but in today’s do-anything, from-anywhere economy, this approach is no longer fit for purpose. By JG Pons,...