Prevent data downtime as employees go on holiday

Veeam shares its top tips to help small businesses stay ‘always-on’ during the summer. For a business owner with a small IT team, the next few weeks are a trying time of year with your workforce reduced as they take their summer holidays. With...

End of year clearance could mean bigger bonuses

Most companies have storerooms full of old computers and other electronics that could easily be converted into revenue. It could also mean bigger bonuses, especially in a time when most businesses are struggling to survive. With modern companies constantly acquiring...

Blue chips choose refurbished over new

South Africa’s refurbished electronics market is flourishing as corporates change their business models. Business leaders are fast realising that there are ways to become more profitable by simply changing their attitudes and purchasing habits. Xperien CEO Wale...

Destroy or redeploy?

Companies must be cautious to safely dispose of data-rich electronics, especially in this rapid pace of technological and digital change. An even bigger challenge is to decide whether it is more economical to destroy or redeploy old equipment. Recycling old...

Services, attach add value to the tech

Kathy Gibson is at Dell EMC Partner Summit in Cape Town – Technology is all very well, but means very little without pre-sales, deployment and after-sales services. Dell EMC partners are able to offer these services to their customers, either through their own...

Business continuity management in the digital age

We live in a digital age, and the use technology pervades every aspect of our lives. The world, particularly the business world, has grown an integral reliance on digital platforms, and access to accurate information at one’s fingertips. With a few diminishing...