May 29, 2018
From modest beginnings at the fringes of the staggering growth of the PC market in the 1980s and 1990s that was dominated by a small handful of large vendors, open-source has become a cornerstone of modern innovation and organisational success. From global financial...
Apr 6, 2018
When it comes to network downtime in any industry, the underlying statistics tell us one thing: it costs money and lots of it. According to the Ponemon Institute, downtime can cost around an astounding $8,000 per minute, which means an hour-long network outage can...
Dec 13, 2017
While it might sound counter-intuitive, there is a perception that technology often works best when compromises are made. Users might have to put up with an irritating side-effect but do so knowing that the overriding advantage brings many benefits. Planned downtime...
Oct 30, 2017
There’s a golden opportunity for South African companies — one that turns their delay in investing in outsourcing and shared services into a unique strength. By John Watling, MD of Accenture Operations in Africa By plugging directly into the delivery...
Oct 20, 2017
Every organisation will have to confront the challenges associated with IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) at some point, rather sooner than later. If company assets are found in the wrong place or found with company data, the directors will have to pay a hefty price. When...
Sep 8, 2017
The digitalisation of business means that data has become a company’s most important asset. To remain competitive, businesses must always have access to their data and applications, says Sasha Malic, head: availability services at ContinuitySA....