Key to effective and business continuity

Data backups are vital in any business, no matter the industry. Yet this essential business practice still haunts management and employees alike – who are often left racked with uncertainty and doubt. While the backup environment is overwrought with leading...

One-stop shop or one-stop disaster

Organisations increasingly rely on a wide variety of service providers to support an array of technology-related functions. The promise of a single service provider offering fibre, data and PBX services with a single invoice and centralised customer support, and where...

Outsourcing in the pursuit of business eminence

Entrepreneurship can be defined as the capacity and willingness of a person or group of people to develop, organise and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit and/ or effect change. If the nature of entrepreneurship is to go...

Take action now to prevent water, energy shortages

South Africa’s water and energy challenges are well known and range from ageing infrastructure, supply constraints and pollution to the impact of climate change on society and businesses, writes Karl Götte, head of Standard Bank Commercial Banking. The...

IT as energy: changing the outsource debate

Information Technology (IT) as energy is not a new concept but has been spoken about in the 1990s and the early 2000s. It is the analogy were IT services can be regarded in a similar light to energy, writes AJ Hartenberg, portfolio manager: data centre services at...

Dangers of insourcing your business continuity

As more and more African organisations wake up to the need for business continuity, ContinuitySA’s GM: Africa, Willem Olivier, says that while insourcing might seem like the easy option, there are some significant pitfalls–as well as higher costs over the...