Nov 2, 2015
In a market driven by data and the need to source, store and retrieve information in realtime, the ability to audit and control this data is paramount. The reason, say technology and cloud service experts, is to ensure that data can be protected and exploited, and...
Nov 2, 2015
For organisations within the transportation sector, the use of intelligent predictive maintenance platforms – connected to a variety of structured and unstructured data sources – can unleash some powerful business advantages. Case studies show that...
Oct 27, 2015
Executives are ever-vigilant in finding ways to cut costs and increase efficiencies. In their quest, they have realised that decommissioned IT assets are an unnecessary cost and have potential economic value. The influx of new technology creates a corresponding and...
Oct 26, 2015
The cliché is that when times are tight, marketing budgets are the first to feel the scissors. In reality, business continuity is even more likely to suffer from budget cuts: after all, the money-men always say, the risk of a major fire or an ICT meltdown is remote....
Oct 6, 2015
As business continuity starts to take its rightful place on the boardroom agenda, companies need to ensure that they are taking advantage of the standards for business continuity management that have emerged in the past two years. “The development of robust...
Sep 30, 2015
There can be no doubt that a UPS is essential for the majority of businesses, especially given today’s power problems, writes Elrica Quick, APC product specialist at Drive Control Corporation. However, many businesses have already invested in UPS solutions for a...