Feb 15, 2013
Tell a spouse that users would like to consolidate their neatly organised home storage to a single closet and the idea may be met with a startled face twisted into a smirk. Why would users want to destabilise the status quo if what they have is adequate? Similarly,...
Feb 8, 2013
In the current economic climate, many organisations are driven to cut costs, save money and improve cost efficiency across the board. One area that is typically under scrutiny is IT, says Gerrit-Jan Albers, service delivery manager at RDB Consulting. As a result,...
Jan 14, 2013
As outsourcing gains momentum in the IT space, particularly in mission critical areas such as the database, a service level agreement (SLA) is essential in order to govern the type and frequency of services offered and the acceptable level of downtime, says Gerrit-Jan...
Jan 10, 2013
Outsourcing has become a popular service model, particularly in the IT space, as it can help to deliver greater cost efficiencies and high levels of service, says Gerrit-Jan Albers, service delivery manager at RDB Consulting. However, a trend has emerged in recent...