City of Cape Town clinches award as SA’s Best PMO

In a competition that saw the project management offices (PMOs) of 10 different South African businesses pitted against one another – a record number of local entrants – the official winner of the SA PMO Awards for 2020 is the City of Cape Town. With all...

Remote managed services for uninterrupted IT

Doing business today is all but impossible without the use of technology. However, the vast majority of business operators are not IT experts, nor do they have the budget or means to maintain an in-house IT specialist. By Chris de Bruyn, operations director at Gabsten...

Business 2021: continuity in uncertainty

Business continuity used to be considered a part of Disaster Recovery (DR), another cog in the urgent wheel that turns to put the business back on track in the event of a crisis. However, the past year has reshaped business continuity in the eyes of the organisation....

Tips to enhance resilience

2020 has seen more people speaking of “resilience” than ever before. While some organisations are well underway on their resilience journeys, others still ponder what resilience really means and how to start building it, writes Padma Naidoo, GM: Advisory...

Continuous planning key to business success

The continuously changing business and regulatory landscape during the Covid-19 pandemic means that businesses are now more reliant than ever on being able to plan accurately. By Paul Morgan, business unit lead for data, planning and analytics at Altron Karabina...

How to ensure a successful project during uncertain times

Some business projects when implemented are done with good intentions and there is a vision of how it is going to work. However, when the dynamic elements of each business and the current potential economical threats are not considered, together with the complexity of...