Multi-device world key for developers

In 2012, Google published the results of its Multi-Screen World Study, which showed 90% of all media interactions are screen-based. More importantly, the research showed that users are learning to use multiple devices – such as smartphones, tablets, PCs and...

Protecting portable devices from knocks

The mobile workforce has firmly entrenched itself globally and locally, the variety of devices has grown, it has also become increasingly common for the same user to have multiple devices, says Heinrich Pretorius, Targus product specialist at DCC. Most commonly, these...

SA companies need to rethink mobile security

Over the past three decades, legislatures across the world have been trying to update their legal systems to address growing concerns around how our private information is being used once handed over to companies in both the public and private sectors, says Nader...

The ultrabook: where laptop meets tablet

There can be no doubt that the emergence of the tablet changed the face of computing dramatically, offering unprecedented levels of portability, intuitive touch screen technology and the ability to complete certain tasks on the move with ease, says Farhad Alli, Dell...

Stopping information overload in its tracks

It used to be said that the only certain things in life are death and taxes. Most users can add a third to that list: too much information. We are constantly connected, constantly reachable, and it becomes very difficult and time-consuming to filter the important,...

Web design must focus on mobile

In a world in which there are now more mobile phones than people optimising content for mobile consumption has become a business imperative. And in developing regions such as Africa, the importance of mobile is magnified by the fact that the majority of people only...