Jun 28, 2021
Global connectivity has meant that, more than ever before, South Africa is a part of the global village – and while that certainly comes with myriad benefits, it also comes with the need for an increased focus on cyber security for the state, enterprises, and...
Jun 17, 2021
The cyberthreat landscape is constantly evolving, as cybercriminals continue to find vulnerabilities to exploit. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are a growing concern that businesses need to guard against. While these highly targeted attacks are as common as more...
Jun 9, 2021
To prevent becoming the victim of fraudsters, it’s vital to be on guard, especially when using transactional, card-based accounts linked to cheque and savings accounts. “The Office of the Banking Ombudsman recently pointed out these transactional accounts...
Jun 7, 2021
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to accelerate digital transformation in organisations globally, recent research by PwC has highlighted that CEOs are concerned about the impact growing cyberthreats and the spread of misinformation can have on their businesses. In...
Jun 4, 2021
In today’s sophisticated threat landscape, ransomware is seemingly everywhere, impacting both organisations and individuals alike. But how did ransomware as we know it today come to be? Aamir Lakhani, lead researcher and cyber security expert at Fortinet,...
May 31, 2021
Our changing world, with its more distributed infrastructure and new applications and workloads exposing a larger attack surface, means that perimeter security, while still an important element within an enterprise’s cybersecurity arsenal, is simply no longer...