On Safer Internet Day, go easy with the public WiFi

You’re the owner of a small business, and your employees are all set up to work from home. Firewall and enterprise-level anti-virus software in place. Regular data back-ups. You may even have cyber-insurance. And then Stage 6 loadshedding kicks in, and your...

What to do in the face of growing ransomware attacks

Ransomware attacks are proliferating, with attackers becoming more sophisticated and aggressive, and often hitting the same victims more than once, in more than one way. By Doros Hadjizenonos, regional director: southern Africa at Fortinet FortiGuard Labs research...

Tips to make tomorrow a Safer Internet Day

Kaspersky research shows that during 2022, 15% of Internet user computers worldwide experienced at least one malware-class attack. Throughout last year, 32,5% of users in South Africa were affected by online threats, compared to 40% in Kenya and 35,8% in Nigeria. The...

Why it is important to create strong and unique passwords

Cyberattacks and data breaches are becoming alarmingly common. Most attacks and breaches have one thing in common: victims were using weak passwords. In a digital world, it is more important than ever to ensure your online accounts are protected by strong and secure...

Top data privacy and protection trends that will take shape in 2023

Prompted by the dramatic global upswing in cybercrime, an increasing number of businesses across the industry spectrum are coming to a better understanding of the importance of managing and protecting data. By Astrid Gobardhan, data privacy officer at VFS Global...

Business email compromise could cost you dearly

As the business landscape rapidly evolves, a general awareness of security vulnerabilities is no longer enough. Cyber fraud, data and payment breach risks need to be managed urgently and strategically with the right tools, says Ryan Mer, CEO of eftsure Africa. South...