Oct 27, 2022
Cyber security is exhausting. It keeps worried security analysts awake at night. Will there be a zero-day that they couldn’t have predicted? Will someone use a terrible password that leads to a terrible hack? It also constantly harasses security operations...
Oct 27, 2022
Cybersecurity Awareness Month started in the US in 2004, but has rapidly expanded around the world as the threat of cyberattacks against businesses continues to grow in a digital age. For me, there are four key practices every company should be looking at when it...
Oct 25, 2022
In early September around 50 000 users had their personal details exposed when the fintech Revolut was breached in a cyber attack. The latest attack is one in a rising tide of breaches which are unlikely to subside until CEOs and CISOs can close the gap between how...
Oct 25, 2022
South Africa needs a sustained national public awareness campaign to inform, educate and mobilise the South African public against a growing pandemic of cybercrime. By Moss Gondwe, public sector director at Mimecast While much progress has been made in educating the...
Oct 25, 2022
The chief information security officer role has leapt from backroom to boardroom, just like the ever-evolving security threat, writes Wayne Olsen, managing executive: cybersecurity at BCX. The role of the CISO has traditionally been behind the doors of the Security...
Oct 19, 2022
Cybersecurity is possibly even more important than locks, vaults and walls in protecting the modern business. This is according to members of the Institute of Information Technology Practitioners South Africa (IITPSA) Cybersecurity Special Interest Group (SIGCyber)....