Importance of researching and vetting third parties

Numerous risk management procedures can be employed in support of an organisation’s best interest. However, few practices are as significant as due diligence. Due diligence involves meticulously understanding third parties, which include suppliers, partners,...

JIT is key to optimising the FMCG supply chain

The ability to manufacture ‘just enough’ stock to cover orders and deliver ‘just enough’ product to every retailer is the optimal supply chain scenario in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry. By Andrew Dawson, commercial director at...

Reduce wasteful expenditure in the supply chain

The Auditor General of South Africa defines irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure (IFW) as ‘expenditure that was made in vain and could have been avoided had reasonable care been taken’. In supply chain, wasteful expenditure occurs when hidden...

Best practice for supplier selection

Supplier services are essential in helping a business to function and reach its operational objectives. Considering their significance to the performance of a business, it is of utmost importance to work with the right suppliers. While there is usually a diverse pool...

Why blockchain should be part of your supply chain strategy

Jim Holland, country manager at Lenovo Data Center Group Southern Africa highlights the potential of technology to transform supply chains. One technology with enormous promise is blockchain. Surprised? Don’t be – there’s much more to blockchain than...