Fix the weak links in supply chain

Suppliers play a huge role in the operational capacity of a business and with a mutually healthy relationship, trusted suppliers can help a business satisfy customer needs, even in a pinch.  However, businesses that source goods or services from questionable suppliers...

The importance of restricted supplier lists

Some supplier/buyer relationships do not always work out as hoped and at times, the fallout from these failed relationships can have a significant impact on both organisations. Suppliers can fail buyers in many ways including negative business practice, poor financial...

When supplier: employee relationships cross the line

Procurement fraud can be committed by employees acting alone or in collusion with vendors. While fraudulent activities between suppliers/vendors and employees are not uncommon, these transactions are unacceptable as they create a host of challenges to the business if...

Supplier vetting for better procurement decisions

Research indicates that procurement fraud is the third most reported crime in South Africa. With rising public awareness on anti-bribery and corruption, public and private organisations are forced to relook their procurement practices – and demand for...

Kolok South Africa transforms delivery capabilities

Kolok, a division of Bidvest Paper Plus, invested in Trackmatic’s Driver-Led Visibility technology to transform operations and improve their supply chain visibility. Since January 2018, the organisation has seen a 39% increase in on-time departures, a 50%...

Visibility drives security in transport

Technology is constantly changing the way we do business, improving efficiencies by automating processes to eliminate the possibility of human mistake and transforming industries by empowering organisations with the tools they need to succeed in a digital world. The...