Nov 7, 2017
While much of the uproar surrounding the 2017 Mining Charter has been focused on changes that increase compliance thresholds for ownership, management and control of the holders of mining and prospecting rights as well as the ‘once empowered, always...
Sep 28, 2017
“A need for increased profitability in a low growth domestic economy and increased global uncertainty are pushing chief procurement officers (CPO) to add more value to their organisations,” says Karoly Kramli, associate director: digital architecture...
Jul 12, 2017
From driverless vehicles to the Internet of Things (IoT), the interconnection of everyday objects via the Internet, the global telematics market is exploding in connectivity and growth. Trucking is no stranger to this sort of change; indeed, many fleets are leading...
Jul 10, 2017
Mistakes in business come with the territory but those made in procurement ought to be considered among the most detrimental to the success of an operation. Common procurement related risks include supplier issues such as delivery delays, increases in demand, quality...
May 22, 2017
In order the stay afloat in a climate of constant change of customer expectations – it’s the existing processes that need to be optimised and scrutinised for organisations to achieve marginal gains at every stage of the supply chain. In a society that...
Mar 16, 2017
Every company in the supply chain is continually being challenged to deliver operations in the most effective and cost-efficient manner. The prospect of cuts to budgets puts greater emphasis on using the supply chain to reduce costs and enhance value, writes Thabo...