Jun 20, 2019
World WiFi Day is celebrated every year on June 20th, signifying a day where governments, industries and consumers recognise the important role of Wi-Fi in socio-economic development. This special day celebrates the advances of Wi-Fi and how it enables affordable...
May 27, 2019
The proliferation of local and global public cloud platforms is resulting in a spike of cloud uptake across South African businesses. By Louis Kirstein, DSM expert: connectivity services at T-Systems South Africa Moreover, barriers such as data sovereignty concerns...
May 27, 2019
The long-anticipated release of the newest WiFi standard 802.11ax or Wi-Fi 6 is finally upon us and here’s why you should be excited about it. Today’s households are dealing with an increasing number of connected devices and a rising demand for greater...
May 9, 2019
In the decades that have passed since its infancy, wireless networking has undergone tremendous shifts, from its incredibly slow 11 Mbps, to over 100Mbps today, opening up an avenue for enterprise wireless Internet consumption. And these advances in speed, together...
Apr 10, 2019
Industry 4.0 has arrived, and it is going to spark an unprecedented wave of innovation in the Middle East and Africa (MEA). By Mikael Bäck, corporate officer for Ericsson’s group function technology group Industry 4.0 merges operational, information and...
Mar 19, 2019
In our connected world, an internet connection is fast becoming a lifestyle essential, to the point that should things go wrong, it can leave you feeling lost and frustrated. With home networks getting more sophisticated as fibre internet rolls out to more and more...