Gestalt calls for B-BBEE mindset shift
Very few businesses are forced by legislation to participate in broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE). It is a voluntary process and for most small business owners, the decision about whether or not to do it is primarily a financial one. The reality is...
Regtech takes centre stage in digital transformation
Regulatory technology or regtech is starting to play a crucial role in ensuring digital transformation projects are not only successful, but fully compliant too. Andrea Tucker, head of research & development and strategic projects at e4, notes that while regtech,...
PoPIA: time is up
The countdown is on, the Protection of Personal Information Act (PoPIA) comes into full effect on 1 July 2021. With the deadline looming, there is a lot of confusion and ambiguity regarding its definitions, requirements and enforcement thereof. By Wale Arewa, CEO of...
LAWtrust joins Cloud Signature Consortium
LAWtrust, a global Certificate Authority (CA) and provider of identity and Digital Trust Services, has joined the Cloud Signature Consortium. LAWtrust will work closely with the Cloud Signature Consortium to help drive the development of a common technical...
Whose problem is regulatory reporting?
Steyn Basson, director of integration and products at Synthesis, talks about the phenomenon of SEP and how it relates to regulatory reporting. When I was a teenager I loved to read. I still do, but an abundance of audio-books, on-demand television shows, podcasts, and...
Is your website POPIA compliant ?
The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have a significant impact on websites and other digital platforms like social media, email marketing and e-commerce activities. By Nick Durrant, CEO of Bluegrass...
How to secure electronic signatures
With many businesses forced into remote working by the Covid-19 pandemic - and likely to continue working a physical-virtual hybrid model for the foreseeable future - paperless processes and stricter privacy requirements are top priorities for the C-suite. According...
When is consent required to process your information?
The majority of organisations are not yet compliant with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) which becomes effective on 1 July this year. By Michelle Dickens, CEO of TPN According to a survey conducted by TPN Credit Bureau on how ready companies are for...
Roles and obligations of an information officer under POPIA
With the imminent grace period for organisations complying with the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2008 ("POPIA") coming to an end on 30 June 2021, it is now crunch time for organisations to ensure that their processing activities are compliant with...
In mid-large companies, don’t mistake the CEO role for that of the CIO
The accelerated adoption of digital technologies has raised disruption in areas that has not been considered previously. Digital transformation skyrocketed upwards and onwards in a bid to safeguard customer and employee health and wellbeing, as well as data. By...
Carbon budgets, pollution prevention plans critical for Carbon Tax compliance
While businesses only need to calculate their liability and submit their carbon tax return once a year, compliance with the Carbon Tax Act itself is not a once-off accomplishment nor is it as difficult to achieve as some organisations think. By: Eckart Zollner, head...
What you need to know about POPIA
All businesses with employees, customers and suppliers must comply with POPIA, which comes into effect on 1 July 2021. Wendy Tembedza from Webber Wentzel offers a practical guide to the most important aspects. With the commencement date of the Protection of Personal...