Break free from traditional funding

In today’s competitive business landscape, entrepreneurs and small business owners face numerous challenges when it comes to funding their growth aspirations. By Ramone Pillay, head of sales at Debtsource Traditional high-street bank financing may not always be...

Banking operations reimagined

Forces of change are reshaping banking. The last time the banking industry experienced steeply rising rates off a shallow base was in 2005. Over the past 18 years, low rates have had the effect of a Big Bang, shattering the fundamental equation of banking (deposits...

AI could amplify value for commercial brokers

Over the past two decades, direct sales models and digital distribution have transformed personal insurance lines in South Africa. Yet digitalisation has yet to take hold in commercial insurance, where a substantial portion of policies are still sold through brokers...

Mitigate cash-related risks as load shedding hampers digital payments

South Africa’s load shedding crisis is slowing down the migration towards cashless payments, as consumers and businesses turn to cash as the most reliable means of value exchange during power outages. Businesses should thus plan for cash to be a significant part...

Mobile payments move to anywhere, anyhow, anytime convenience

Now that the dust has settled after the pandemic, one of its most enduring legacies is the wider usage of mobile and contactless payments around the world. By Charles Pittaway, MD of Netcash Global research from Accenture shows that more than half (56%) of consumers...