Mar 12, 2021
In 2020, our humble homes became the essential support beam for both human health and business continuity, something that wouldn’t have been possible without “as-a-service” applications for food delivery, physician care, day-to-day job...
Mar 5, 2021
As more companies start leveraging the respective strengths of multiple cloud environments, they must not neglect effectively managing these platforms to ensure both cost and application control. By Ralph Berndt, sales and marketing director at Syrex In fact,...
Feb 19, 2021
Most strategic discussions in boardrooms around the world will include cloud based offerings because the services offered have become fundamental to a modern, resilient enterprise. Trent Odgers, cloud hosting manager at Veeam Last year many organisations may well have...
Feb 2, 2021
For several years now, we’ve been talking about the new opportunities that cloud computing offers. By HervĂ© Renault, vice-president: cloud EMEA at VMware It used to be a simple choice between public and private; now we’re in a ‘mix-and-match’...
Feb 2, 2021
South Africa’s BPO sector has gained credibility and worldwide recognition for its ability to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining business continuity and client service, while safeguarding employee health. This has been achieved under tremendous stress...
Jan 28, 2021
When it comes to the world of work, 2020 will be remembered as a year that accelerated technological change. By Matt Wright, chief technology officer of BlueSky Forced out of their comfort zones, companies either adopted or more fully embraced technologies that they...