Embracing generative AI to automate CX

For a very long time, artificial intelligence (AI) has promised a lot while remaining inaccessible to ordinary people. You’d read a headline about legal researchers using an AI tool to fight traffic fines or medical scientists using it to more accurately...

Capturing the value within customer data

Data remains an extraordinarily valuable business asset. Unlocked with the right digital keys, it can provide the business with visibility into customer preferences, market share, potential for innovation, growth opportunities and so much more. As Forrester points...

Modernise communication to improve customer experience

The advent of a hyper-connected, digital world has changed the way businesses and their customers interact. Far from just “leveraging” some digital tools to make life easier for customers, it is fair to say that the modern consumer insists on interacting...

Financial institutions adopt omnichannel strategies

While digital banking has gained widespread popularity in South Africa due to its convenience, some customers still demand one-on-one personalised interactions with financial advisors. By Dean Baker, industry team lead: BFSI Southern and East Africa at Infobip As a...

Omnichannel strategies help financial institutions redefine CX

While digital banking has gained widespread popularity in South Africa due to its convenience, some customers still demand one-on-one personalised interactions with financial advisors. As a result, banks are responding by moving away from multichannel communication...

Self-service must go hand-in-hand with personalisation

For decades, we believed that insurance was simply too complex an industry to ever go digital. By Vis Govender, co-founder of Everything.Insure and group CEO of firstEquity Group Today, digitalisation is a key driver of value, innovation, and growth in the insurance...